To get this working on linux, I needed usb4java-1.0.0.jar jsr80-1.0.1.jar To get this working in MS Windows 7, I installed the JDK, then eclipse, then I created an empty Java application project, then I did - right-click on the root of the tree in the panel on the left side of Eclipse - Project/Properties/Java Build Path/Libraries/Add JARs and added both jar files (usb4java-1.0.0.jar , jsr80-1.0.1.jar) Used Zadig to replace all the Windows drivers for the Cintiq devices. 0) Plug in your device 1) Download Zadig (there's a version for Windows XP and another for more recent Windows OSes) and run it. 2) Enable "Show all devices" under Options. 3) Select your device in the dropdown menu. 4) Make sure the WinUSB driver is selected on the right side. 5) Click on "Install Driver" or "Replace Driver". No need to reboot.